Free Online Mindfulness Course: The 7 Day Mindfulness Challenge
Learn mindfulness techniques for reducing stress and increasing peace of mind and well being.
The challenge: 10 minutes of mindfulness meditation a day for 7 days. If you’ve never done it before, that’s ok, we’ll guide you through it step by step.
The Teacher of the Course Darran Kilbride has trained extensively in world-recognized mindfulness meditation centers in the United States and Asia and has trained as a mindfulness teacher with the University of Massachusetts (the center where mindfulness courses were first taught in the West).
He has spent close to 2 years in intensive silent mindfulness meditation retreats. Most of this training was with world-renowned lay teachers, Buddhist monks and Zen masters.
He is one of the first people to teach mindfulness in Spain.
Darran teaches mindfulness at IE University. He also has a degree in physics and a postgraduate qualification in mindfulness from the Center for Mindfulness of Bangor University in the UK.
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